State Coordinator's Report

I would like to thank all of the outgoing State and Chapter Officers for their time and dedication. Congratulations to the new, incoming, State and Chapter Officers for stepping up to keep our organization moving forward in a positive direction.
If you enjoy your Freedoms of Choice, please check out this website
and our Social Media Group by clicking the link above the ABATE of
Delaware State Flag Logo to stay up to date on pending Legislative
issues and Calls to Action that may impact those same Freedoms.
Also, show your support in preserving those Freedoms by annually renewing your membership in ABATE of Delaware and recruit a friend, there is strength in numbers.
Be sure to sign our Guestbook HERE so we know that you stopped by!
Please remember, when displaying your "Look Twice, Save a Life Motorcycles
are Everywhere" lawn signs, please be mindful of the State's Right of Way.
Keep them behind the power poles or ABATE of Delaware will receive a
$25 fine and a subsequent $15 recovery fee from DELDOT.
Click to see the 'First Offense Warning' HERE
Thank you.
ABATE of Delaware - State Coordinator