Ed's Legislative News February 2019
If You Don’t Fight For Freedom You Give It Away Without Protest
HOME: 302-678-0430
CELL: 302-632-3322
Recently I have been receiving flyers for events that have been scheduled for this Spring.
You know, the typical Poker Runs, Roar to the Shore, Swap Meets, etc.
As I began de-conflicting my schedule there has been a nagging issue in the back of my head.
Many of us don’t have a problem dropping $25.00 or more to participate in a ride that benefits one
of a number of good causes, but won't or haven’t spent one thin dime to protect our Freedoms.
You can call a couple of friends and meet up and do the same ride to Ocean City for no participation fee.
You won’t get the $10.00 T-shirt or the $1.00 participation pin, but who cares?
I have a drawer full of shirts and a box full of pins.
Most importantly, I have a an ABATE of Delaware membership card, several
ABATE of Delaware T-shirts and Annual Membership pins that span decades.
You see, here in the great State of Delaware we are not required to wear helmets,
we have no handle bar height restrictions, or any other annoying little
laws that permit constant harassment from Barney Fife types.
Just ask someone from the People's Republik of New York, New Jersey, or Maryland
what it’s like dealing with all the restrictions and regulations imposed on motorcyclists.
Whether you choose to wear a helmet or not, it sure is nice to hop on the scooter and take off.
We have it pretty good here, but that could change in an instant.
ABATE of Delaware is constantly monitoring introduced Legislation
and passes that information on to our Membership for Action.
In fact, we pass along introduced relative Legislation from other states as well.
Recently a Helmet Law Repeal bill, HB 2070 was introduced in West Virginia, but
you would never know if you don't spend the coin and join ABATE of Delaware.
Instead of dropping $35.00 on an Officially Licensed Dealership T-shirt, why not put that
hard earned money to work for you and spend it on a membership to ABATE of Delaware?
-Ride Safe
Ed Berner
ABATE of Delaware - State Legislative Coordinator