Ed's Legislative News June 2020


If You Don’t Fight For Freedom You Give It Away Without Protest

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 The State Government is finally letting us get back to our lives.

Things are starting to open up and many of us are going back to work.

However, some of us are still waiting for Governor Carney's approval.

Speaking for myself, I thought this was a drastic over reaction.

I am a highly educated adult and fully capable of making my own decisions.

My parents didn’t raise an idiot.

There are others that don’t share my point of view, but that’s OK.

If you feel safer staying at home, stay at home.

If you feel safer wearing a mask, wear a mask. Its called, FREEDOM!!

I don’t appreciate anyone forcing me to do anything just because it’s in my best interest.

No one, even the so-called experts, have all of the answers.

Just give me the information unbiased and unfiltered and let me do me...FREEDOM!!

This is my outlook on life in general and what has kept me in

ABATE of Delaware coming up on 30 years...FREEDOM!!

When you boil it all down we advocate for you, the rider, to make your own decisions...FREEDOM!!

Too often a politician thinks that it's in our best interest to wear something,

be it a helmet, a certain type of shoe or what have you, and proposes

legislation to force you to purchase and wear whatever it is.

As I have been known to say, “someone pooped their pants, now we’re ALL wearing diapers”.

This country was founded because our predecessors were tired of being told what

to do by people that were out of touch, so they fought back and kicked them out.

They all fought for their FREEDOM - their right to decide for themselves.

That's what ABATE of Delaware and every other ABATE Chapter

is doing, advocating for your right to decide what’s best for you.

On the legislative front there is one bill that has gotten our attention.

Senate Bill 232 clarifies that yard waste is included in the types

of trash and litter that it is illegal to discard on a highway.

Anyone who has come around a corner and had their tires slip or worse, on grass clippings

blown onto the roadways can testify on how dangerous that is for motorcycles.

Please contact your Senators and Representatives and encourage them to support this bill.

SB 232: https://legis.delaware.gov/BillDetail?legislationId=48093

Ride Safe.

- Ed Berner

ABATE of Delaware - State Legislative Coordinator