Ed's Legislative News January 2017


If You Don’t Fight For Freedom You Give It Away Without Protest

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The 149th Delaware Assembly reconvened January 10, 2017.

We must always remain alert to any new attempts

to restrict the Freedoms that we already enjoy.
There are several pieces of Legislation that will be re-introduced

in the next session that is important to all of us that ride.

HB 73 was an amendment that "will prohibit retailers from advertising or

stating that a helmet is qualified for use when riding a motorcycle if the

helmet is not approved for highway use under Delaware law."

We have all been to those Big Box stores and have seen the boxes marked

'Motorcycle Helmet', even though they don't have the all-important DOT labeling.
The intent of this bill is to put responsibility where it belongs, on the retailer.

The sponsor of the bill has indicated that he

intends to reintroduce this in the next session.

SB 150 commonly referred to as the "Vulnerable Users Bill"

was introduced during the last session but it wasn't acted on.
This version inadvertently removed the definition of who

was a Vulnerable User, which included motorcyclists.
This bill was a housekeeping measure and was intended to

move it to the section of Title 21 where it actually belonged.

This law enhances the penalties if a person commits an offense that contributes

to the serious physical injury of a vulnerable user lawfully in the public right-of-way.

We can expect to see this again this session.

We have been reassured that the original list of all that is

considered a Vulnerable User will be included in the new bill.

Rest assured that we on the ABATE of Delaware

Task Force are closely monitoring what happens in Dover.

There were many issues concerning the motorcycling

community this past Legislative Session.
We dealt with them all as a United Motorcycle Rights Organization.

When a C.T.A. (Call to Action) is published here, by email, or via Social Media

and you are requested to contact Senators and Representatives to let them know

your feelings, but be respectful as we need all of the friends we can get and keep.

Keep it up!

Other Legislation concerning motorcycles were things that

you, the membership, have requested to be introduced.

HB 114 – The Flashing Brake light bill, was signed

by Governor Markell June 9, 2016 and is now law.

Ride Safe,
- Ed Berner
ABATE of Delaware - State Legislative Coordinator