
If You Don’t Fight For Freedom You Give It Away Without Protest

HOME: 302-678-0430

CELL: 302-632-3322

The time is here, Delmarva Bike Week is upon us!

Please enjoy your time while you're there.

Fortunately, Maryland has passed the anti-profiling

bill and checkpoints should be a thing of the past.

Regardless of what state you happen to be in, remember that if you're stopped it opens the flood

gates of other potential violations that are secondary offenses (revenue generators for the State).

My advice has always been when asked just provide

your name and address, anything more ask for a lawyer.

Always ask for a warrant before any search.

Be advised that that will not go over well with Johnny Law.

The primaries are right around the corner. Voter registration in the State of Delaware has been closed for

a couple of weeks, if you're not registered already SHAME ON YOU! Your most important responsibility

as a citizen is to vote. On that note, Delaware has a closed primary system, which means that if you're

a registered Republican you can only vote in the Republican primaries, If you're a Democrat

you can only vote for the Democrats. Independents can't vote for either party.

On that Note, ABATE of Delaware is endorsing Democrat Ralph Taylor in the Democratic primary for the House of Representatives seat in the 31st House District over Sean Lynn (D). As all of your loyal readers know Mr. Lynn has sponsored the last two mandatory helmet law bills co-sponsored by Senator F. Gary Simpson (R). Bike PAC DE has made a contribution to Mr.Taylor's campaign.

Lastly, be very sure of who your voting for and why.

Elections have consequences.

Know the issues that are important to you, know the positions of the

candidates, and vote for the candidate that best suits your political views.

ABATE of Delaware does not favor one party over another, both

have sponsored legislation in the past that we have opposed.

We do our home work and so should you.

-Ride Safe

Ed Berner

ABATE of Delaware - State Legislative Coordinator